Seriously. She made this bed!

I Looo-O-ooVE repurposing.  Folks, I would do it if I could.  But I can't.  Because you see, well that would be insane, but I live with the parents.  Which is totally awesome- free baby sitter ANYTIME!  I just don't have the need or space for any furniture right now.  So this baby is going into my "one day" pile.  Ah, thinking about my "one day" pile - it makes excited even thinking about it!  If you're from Utah, hop onto KSL and buy a cheap head board.  Go ahead, I know you want to.  Repurposing, it'll change your li-ife!  Oh, don't forget those awesome stripes.  I love stripes.  And I love pink.  You can't go wrong.  Except that you could, but she didn't! ha ha!!